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Our Mission

At Little Circle Collective, our purpose is clear: we strive to offer an environmentally conscious alternative to new. Our vision goes beyond that – we aim to make preloved gifts and party hire the go-to choice for parents, fostering a culture where sustainability is the norm.

At Little Circle Collective, we aim to reduce our environmental impact with every preloved item we promote and every party-hire service we provide. Our mission is to create a sustainable world for our children and future generations.

We want to inspire others to make environmentally responsible choices by offering high-quality preloved gifts and convenient party-hire options. Together, we can embrace a lifestyle that prioritizes the well-being of our planet and ensures a brighter future for our little ones.


About us

In 2020, my husband and I welcomed our precious baby girl. During this special time, we were humbled by the incredible generosity of our family and friends. They eagerly shared and passed down clothes their children had outgrown, reminding us of the importance of reusing and repurposing.

As our daughter grew before our eyes, I reflected on the transient nature of baby and toddler clothing. These tiny garments, worn for such a fleeting period, often come at a significant cost to our environment. It was a realisation that sparked a desire for change within me.

Before embarking on the journey of motherhood, I had been a passionate high school science teacher with a love for the natural world. From this place of passion and purpose, my initiative was born, fueled by the hope of ensuring a sustainable future for our children. 

Let us celebrate and normalise the beauty of preloved treasures and embrace the joy of sustainability. Join me on this journey of nurturing a circular and sustainable world for our little ones. 



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